Things To Know When Getting Car Insurance Using the VIN Number

The VIN is an essential part of your car’s “identity”, but there can be times when your vehicle doesn’t have one. This means it might take a little time for the DVLA to process and identify your vehicle, before adding it to their records.

What Is A VIN?
A VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number. It’s a number that is stamped onto the body of your car at the factory, to provide that vehicle with a unique identity. Your vehicle might not have a VIN if you have imported it from abroad, built it yourself, or your vehicle has been subject to extensive modifications.
Do You Need A VIN Number For Insurance?
You may wonder “do I need a VIN number for insurance?” – the answer is yes. It’s important that your vehicle has an official identity in the DVLA records. The good news is that you can apply to the DVLA to properly register your vehicle, in the event that you have imported it without a VIN number or it has been modified.
What Is VIN Number Insurance And Why Do You Need It?
Before you can arrange car insurance using VIN number as your vehicle’s identity, it first needs to be entered into the DVLA records. A car you buy domestically is already registered with the DVLA, they simply alter the registered keeper. A brand new vehicle brought into the country will need to have an identity created for it.
As the car doesn’t exist in the records yet, you can’t arrange “normal” car insurance for it. This is where VIN number insurance comes in. It’s cover that protects your car while you’re in the process of making your applications to the DVLA. This process can take a little while, and your vehicle still needs protection.
It’s important to note, however, that VIN number insurance doesn’t allow you to drive on the roads, unless for the express purpose of driving to an inspection. The DVLA may want inspections carried out to ensure your vehicle is as described, is roadworthy, and that there is no other reason they should refuse your registration.
VIN number insurance simply keeps your vehicle covered while it’s sitting waiting to be registered. Once it is, you can cancel your VIN insurance and take out a regular car insurance policy.
Contact The Specialists
For any further guidance regarding VIN insurance, or to arrange a quote for your import, contact Crowthorne Insurance today.